Job Description Updates

Approval required:
Supervisor, Department Head, HR

Submit update in OACIS (Note: JDXpert coming soon)

Job descriptions are not expected to be an exact description of a position but should accurately depict the range and level of duties assigned to the position. Job descriptions should be updated when significant changes occur that might affect the overall distribution of work or reporting relationship. 

Job description updates can be submitted by departments and do not require VCSA approval. HR reviews all job description updates before they become final. 

Routine job description updates do not result in reclassification or a different salary grade assignment and therefore do not warrant an increase. When a job description update is so substantial that it might result in such changes, it should be paired with an Equity Increase Review or submitted as a Reclassification Review (see below). 

Equity Increase Review

Approval required:
Department Head, Control Point, VCSA, HR

Discuss with control point and VCSA Office; submit request via Smartsheet

An equity increase is a permanent salary action meant to help correct a case of salary inequity, an immediate retention issue, or salary compression. Equity Increases are not given solely based on longevity, performance, or increased workload. 

The emphasis is on bringing the employee's salary into equity, and these are usually relatively small adjustments (i.e., single-digit percentages). Only unique and/or extreme cases will be considered for the foreseeable future.

If a department director and control point agree that an equity increase may be warranted, please contact Rachel to discuss job design and salary setting factors prior to submitting a request. 

Only people managers may request an equity review or propose an equity increase for an employee. Management should avoid discussing equity increase review proposals and outcomes with employees prior to their approval by Human Resources and the vice chancellor.

Temporary Assignment/Stipend Proposal

Approval required:
Department Head, Control Point, VCSA, HR

Discuss with control point and VCSA Office; submit request via Smartsheet

A temporary stipend may be paid to an employee who is temporarily assigned significant responsibilities of a higher-level position or significantly different duties (25%+) not normally a part of the employee's regular position. However, job description updates and temporary stipends are not required for all work assignments outside of an employee's job description.

Stipends are usually assigned between 5-10%. Stipends greater than 10% will not usually be approved.

Temporary Stipends that enable a department to defer refilling a vacant position are most likely to be approved.

Reclassification Review

Approval required:
Department Head, Control Point, VCSA, HR

Discuss with control point and VCSA Office; submit request via Smartsheet

Once an employee has been performing the full scope of higher-level duties for 30 days or more, the department may submit a request for reclassification review.

Reclassifications sometimes warrant an increase based on grade assignment. We will usually not approve a permanent increase greater than 10% per grade level increase. Action requires approval from VCSA and HR.

Reclassifications that enable a department to defer refilling a vacant position are most likely to be approved.

ERIT Guidance 

When it might be feasible in a department, directors and managers should remind staff that Employee-initiated Reduction in Time (ERIT) is available to employees who wish to voluntarily reduce their time (while maintaining benefits and service credit accumulation).

However, all 
ERIT approvals are contingent upon:

  • A remaining department workload that will not cause undue burden on other department staff members; and
  • Maintenance of consistent delivery of service to students. 

An ERIT Contract (U280) must be completed and signed by both the ERIT participant and the department head.

The ERIT Contract Amendment (U281) must be completed and signed by both the ERIT participant and the department head when an ERIT contract is terminated early, extended, or the percentage of time reduction is changed.

Remember: ERIT participation should be employee-initiated, and department heads should only approve ERIT agreements when they do not hamper department operations.