PSAS, PSTU (non-represented)
Given the significant educational and financial benefits afforded to students by on-campus employment, reducing student staffing is not advised as a strategy to realize cost savings. We recommend maintaining current student staffing levels where feasible and as departmental workloads necessitate.
When conducting an open recruitment for student jobs, please always post your job ad to Handshake (scroll down to 'Explore Handshake and Post Jobs'), UCSB's official site for jobs, internships, and campus interviews hosted by Career Services.
Departments should continue to take advantage of the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships Work-Study Program.
ou are encouraged to advertise your department's participation in Federal Work-Study and Institutional Work-Study in all job ads. Please keep in mind that students with DACA are eligible for Institutional Work-Study (OFAS makes this substitution since students with DACA are not eligible for Federal funding).
We do not recommend limiting job eligibility to Work-Study-eligible applicants.
Student Wages
Departments are encouraged to follow the guidance of the Student Wages Workgroup, which is working to create a standardized and equitable student classification, wage, and step model for Student Affairs.
Director of Budget & Administration in Student Life for additional information.
Students in positions with external pay requirements (e.g., Veterans Affairs) that exceed the Student Wages Workgroup recommendation are exempted.
All direct financial awards to students, including grants and scholarships, are addressed in the section on Unimpacted Expenditure Categories.