Travel should be limited for the foreseeable future due to our budget constraints and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Generally, travel that will provide a direct and immediate benefit to students should be prioritized over other travel.
Careful consideration should be given to public health guidance from the campus, Santa Barbara County, and public health officials of the travel destination.
As in prior years, all travel requires prior control point approval. Foreign and exceptional travel require approval of the vice chancellor. Approved expenditures will generally fall well below policy limits. Itemized receipts are required for all reimbursements.
Please keep in mind that AB 1887 prohibits state-funded and state-sponsored travel to states with discriminatory laws. Affected states and exceptions are listed on the State of California Department of Justice website.

Student (TRVS)
includes all trips where students are the primary travelers. They may be accompanied by a limited number of chaperones, coaches, or other support staff. Examples include students attending conferences, athletic or recreational events, or other student-focused programs. This travel is generally permissible.
Student Programs (TRVP)
includes all trips to or from the campus where the presenter (usually a contractor or University employee) is providing a direct service to current students and/or prospective students and their families. Examples include on-campus educational programming and student outreach and recruitment programs. This travel is generally permissible.
Mandatory (TRVM)
includes employee travel that is urgent and essential to the functions of one’s position. Examples include Systemwide meetings as well as professional association or vendor conferences where the employee learns new information or skills that are critical to the immediate performance of their job. Wherever possible, this travel should be reduced in favor of (a) meeting less frequently, (b) meeting virtually instead of in-person, (c) keeping the total number of travelers to a minimum, and/or (d) hosting the meeting in Santa Barbara and conveying travel and entertainment expenses to attendees.
Employee Recruitment (TRVR)
includes travel by prospective employees to visit the campus and attend in-person interviews. Thoughtfully conducted virtual recruitments can promote equity and reduce unnecessary candidate and University expenses. In-person recruitment should be reserved for positions with exceptional impact, where it is difficult to assess candidate qualifications virtually, and/or where there have been significant challenges to recruit highly qualified candidates.
Continuing Education (TRVC)
includes travel by employees to obtain education required for continuing qualification or licensure. Wherever possible, continuing education that does not require travel should be prioritized. When considering whether to fund continuing education travel departmentally (versus paid by the employee), departments should balance industry standards and equity among employees in the department. See Professional Development, Continuing Education, & Memberships below.
Professional Development (TRVD)
includes travel by employees to obtain education that is generally relevant to their current job duties and/or related career progression. Wherever possible, professional development that does not require travel should be prioritized. See Professional Development, Continuing Education, & Memberships below.
Exception: Travel to attend application-based, UC-led professional development programs should generally be approved when departmental budget allows. Examples include campus-based certificate programs, the Management Skills Assessment Program (MSAP), the UC-CORO Systemwide Leadership Collaborative, and the UC Women’s Initiative for Professional Development.
Travel Limits (Per Person)
Travelers on University business typically pay for some of their expenses out of pocket or use a Corporate Card and seek reimbursement after the trip is over. Staff are encouraged to review campus travel reimbursement guidance published by BFS.
Policy Limit
Air | Coach/Economy |
Rental Car | Intermediate or smaller |
Domestic Lodging (Room Rate) | $275/night |
Domestic Meals & Incidentals) | Up to $62 per day |
Domestic lodging rates vary widely by locale; travelers should seek moderately priced accommodations – well below the limit where possible. The limit for domestic meals and incidentals is a maximum; travelers should seek inexpensive or moderately priced meals and take advantage of meals, buffets, and snacks offered incorporated into programs.